Chinese Fried Rice - Version 2

Beware!! I am a total amateur at cooking. And if you visited this blog thinking it is a new recipe, I pity you. Really!!!

I am a terrible cook. Actually, I don’t even know A, B, C, in cooking. The only thing I can do confidently without guidance is to boil water. Now you know what a great cook I am, right?

So, one fine day, I decided to test my cooking abilities. I declared that I was going to cook Chinese Fried Rice; not Sambar, not Rasam, but Fried Rice. I mean, wasn't that too much for someone who was just going to try cooking?

My dad threw an exasperated look and escaped saying he had some urgent client meeting that he just remembered. Poor mom, she could not come up with any convincing excuses, as well as she did not want to leave the kitchen all alone to someone like me, so reluctantly accepted.

So where do you think I would have started? Of course, our very own IndusLadies. I opened up IL site and browsed through Chitvish’s forums and found the desired recipe. My tongue started rolling at the sight of the Fried Rice' snap and I took the print out imagining the yummy aroma.

I banned my mom from entering the kitchen for the next two hours. I had to almost shut her out as she kept on pestering to at least stay in the kitchen with me when I cook. But I replied a firm NO and shut the door.

The recipe I had downloaded had instructed me to wash the long grain rice. Now that was a real problem, because I don’t know which rice is long grain rice. My ego did not allow me to call my mom. I just picked the rice which appeared longer ( brain does work some times, you know) and started the job.

Then I had to boil water and add the rice and 1 tsp salt. Now the word ‘tsp’ sent me an alarm. Why can’t Chitvish be more specific (???) was my immediate thought. But of course, she would have never thought that some one as stupid as me would see her recipes. So I came back to the current issue. I just picked up some amount in my hand and decided that I can add more if needed.

Then I was supposed to cook uncovered on medium flame till rice became tender and not overcooked. I don't even know what was to be cooked forget being over cooked. Then I had to drain the rice, chop the veggies (need I say each veggie was in a different shape?), and so many more steps. OK, to cut the long story short, I did manage to complete all the required steps.

When I saw the final product, I was a little confused if there was a problem in my eye sight. I mean, the fried rice I used to see in hotels was white in color. But here, it was RED.

Finneeeee, I needed expert advice now, so I called my mom to check what went wrong. She stared at the mess I had created in the kitchen with disgust. But I kind of managed to divert her attention to the fried rice. She was instantly alarmed (I mean, she was going to eat it na, she was horrified, I guess). She then patiently asked me what all veggies I added.

"Uh...beans, carrots...Um...peas....beetroot"

"BEETROOT?" my mom almost fainted. "Have you ever seen beetroot in fried rice?"

"No! But I like them..." I replied, kind of embarrassed.

My mom shook her head in despair and almost chased me out. Well, with that ended my cooking regime.

But let me make it clear, the fried rice did taste good, except for the color which was bright red. Anyways, what is in a color?


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